FACT Network
June 29, 2023
Meeting Summary
Thank you to everyone that attended and worked hard to make our summer 2023 virtual meeting a success! It was a short meeting, but packed with exciting project updates and new FACT business. Over the past six months, we have been busy expanding our buoys of opportunity program, facilitating national and international initiatives incorporating telemetry data into predictive models, representing FACT at a variety of virtual and in-person meetings and conferences and continuing our grant-funded projects revising the DaViT and managing data for the east coast portion of the Greater Amberjack Abundance study. Meeting highlights are provided below in bullet form.
FACT Business
- The FACT website is getting a redesign! Estimated launch date of the new website is Summer 2023 (will still have the same url just with a new look)
- We are launching a logo contest! If interested please contact Membership@theFACTNetwork.org
Steering Committee Recommendations
One of the goals of the FACT Steering Committee (SC) is to streamline FACT network management tasks. As FACT has and continues to grow in membership and complexity, the SC developed the following recommendations to distribute some of the work currently conducted by the SC, allowing the SC to focus on the bigger picture for the FACT Network. SC members will still be actively involved in committees, but request more assistance from the membership.
- Committees – Create two committees for (1) meeting planning and (2) managing the loaner program (see below in call for volunteers for description of duties)
Aside from the implementation of new committees, all other recommendations will be voted on by the membership.
- Executive Director (ED) – Create one position for an Executive Director. Description- the ED will report to the SC as a non-voting member, lead the data team, pursue funding for FACT, communicate with FACT membership, serve as primary contact between the SC and committees, implement the recommendations of the SC, represent FACT with outside agencies and organizations, and manage FACT operations and programs. Fulfill other duties as required.
- Elevate Joy Young as the new ED. As per the SC Charter, the current vice chair (Beth Bowers) will assume the chairperson role and the vacant position on the SC will be filled by vote of the membership.
- Student/Early Career Representative (SECR) SC member – Create one position on the SC for a SECR member. Description- See the FACT SC Charter for terms of serving. This position will be voted on by the membership. Responsibilities include coordinating with the student membership coordinator (SMC), assisting with student/EC activities, and providing guidance as part of the SC on how best to support student/EC members.
- Elevate the current SMC (Mitch Rider) as the new SECR SC member. As a consequence, the SMC position will be vacated and filled by a volunteer.
Call for volunteers and descriptions of duties
- FACT Website and/or Social Media – One or more people to assist Bonnie. Description- Help develop and publish social media and website content including communicating with PIs and creating project pages, creating twitter, instagram, facebook posts, and behind the scenes website redesign. Even helping with small tasks will be a BIG help! If interested email bonnie.ahr@theFactNetwork.org or webmaster@theFactNetwork.org
- Student Membership Coordinator (SMC) – one student to coordinate the student membership of FACT. Description- recruit student members to FACT, maintain an accurate student email list, develop and produce activities to support student members, maintain the Bonfire merchandise store, serve on the meeting planning committee, and communicate with the SECR SC person.
- Meeting Committee – three or four people to help with planning the FACT in-person meetings. Description- Serve for two years (i.e. two in-person meetings). The planning committee is responsible for the overall planning of the FACT meeting. This includes everything from budget to venue, socials, workshops, and acquiring sponsors. The committee is also responsible for communicating with volunteers so they know what they need to do each day. We already have a proposed venue in St. Augustine, FL in Dec 2023 or Jan 2024.
- Loaner Committee – three people to run the equipment loaner program. Description- The loaner committee is responsible for promoting the program, receiving and reviewing applications, communicating with OTN staff about available equipment, communicating with applicants, and notifying awardees.
Innovasea update in regard to receiver issues
- If you are having receiver issues, please contact Innovasea directly: https://support.fishtracking.innovasea.com/s/request-rma
- It helps to record the LED light sequence on the receivers: https://support.fishtracking.innovasea.com/s/article/My-VR2W-VR2Tx-VR2AR-receiver-or-Ascent-AR-is-flashing-red-and-green-on-power-up-What-should-I-do