Explore SECOORA education resources below!
Classroom Activities
SECOORA is dedicated to promoting knowledge of coastal ocean observing through accessible resources and student opportunities. Whether a teacher, student, or interested individual we have something for you. Learn more.
Student Opportunities
SECOORA is dedicated to training the next generation of ocean experts. Two student opportunities are now open: Vembu Subramanian Ocean Scholars Award and 2021 Data Challenge. Both are due March 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET. Learn more.
What is a Coastal Ocean Observing System?
A coastal ocean observing system (COOS) is a combination of many components— from hardware to humans — used to gather information and turn it into useful products that support human populations, coastal economies and a healthy, sustainable environment. Learn more.
Engaging the Next Generation
SECOORA is dedicated to training the next generation of ocean experts. Learn about our efforts here.